
Amazon Book Sales Statistics: Unveiling the Dominance of the E-commerce Giant

The world of book sales has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of e-commerce platforms. Among these platforms, Amazon has emerged as the dominant force, revolutionizing the way books are bought and sold.

In this article, we will delve into the extensive statistics surrounding Amazon’s book sales, shedding light on its market share, revenue, and the impact it has on the publishing industry. Join us as we explore the fascinating realm of Amazon book sales statistics and uncover the secrets behind the success of this e-commerce behemoth.

  1. Amazon’s worldwide revenue from book sales amounts to a staggering $280 billion, contributing to approximately 10% of the company’s total revenue.
  2. The e-commerce giant holds a dominant market share of 60-70% in book sales, solidifying its position as the go-to platform for readers worldwide.
  3. Memoirs and biographies emerge as the top-selling genres on Amazon in 2022, captivating readers with compelling real-life stories.
  4. Amazon controls up to 80% of all book distribution in the United States, exerting significant influence over the publishing industry.
  5. Self-published authors receive $250 million in royalties annually from Amazon, highlighting the platform’s support for independent writers.
  6. Despite the popularity of audiobooks, only 1% of the titles available on Audible, Amazon’s audiobook platform, are self-published.
  7. Over 1,000 self-published authors achieved remarkable success, earning $100,000 or more in the past year through Amazon book sales.
  8. Self-published books account for a notable 31% of Amazon’s ebook sales, reflecting the growing demand for independently published content.
  9. E-books comprise 21% of Amazon’s total book sales by revenue; however, they represent a significant 36% of total books sold due to their lower price point.
  10. With Amazon’s market share and their own published titles and Kindle Unlimited offerings, the e-commerce giant is estimated to be responsible for up to 85% of all e-book sales.

The Rise of Amazon in the Book Market

Amazon’s Dominance in the E-book Market

Amazon has capitalized on this trend, becoming a powerhouse in the e-book market. With a 68% market share, Amazon has established itself as the leading platform for e-book sales.

This dominance extends even further when considering the books published by Amazon itself and those available through Kindle Unlimited, a subscription-based service that offers unlimited access to a wide selection of e-books.

The Steady Rise of Amazon Book Sales

Over the years, Amazon’s influence in the book market has grown exponentially. A significant number of readers, both in the United Kingdom and the United States, have turned to Amazon for their book purchases.

In fact, 71% of UK readers and 67% of US readers have bought a book from Amazon in the past 12 months, indicating a steady rise in Amazon book sales. This trend has disrupted traditional bookstores, as more customers opt for the convenience and extensive selection offered by Amazon.

Amazon’s Market Share and Book Distribution Control

Amazon’s dominance in the book market is further exemplified by its control over book distribution. In the United States, Amazon controls up to 80% of all book distribution, enabling the company to shape the industry’s landscape. This control has given Amazon an unparalleled advantage, allowing them to engage in anti-competitive practices and impose lower prices on publishers. As a result, traditional publishers have faced challenges in maintaining profitability, potentially impacting the quality and diversity of books available to readers.

The Impact of Amazon on Authors and Publishers

Empowering Self-Published Authors

One of the remarkable aspects of Amazon’s book sales is its support for self-published authors. Amazon pays $250 million in royalties to self-published authors each year, providing a platform for independent writers to share their stories with a global audience. With the democratization of publishing through self-publishing platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), aspiring authors can bypass traditional gatekeepers and connect directly with readers. This has led to the emergence of numerous success stories, with over 1,000 self-published authors making $100,000 or more from Amazon book sales in the past year.

Kindle Unlimited: A Gateway to Discoverability

Kindle Unlimited, Amazon’s subscription service, has revolutionized the way readers consume books. With an estimated 3 million subscribers, Kindle Unlimited offers unlimited access to a vast library of e-books for a monthly fee. This service not only provides readers with an affordable way to explore new titles but also gives self-published authors an opportunity to gain visibility and earn royalties. Kindle Unlimited authors are paid based on the number of pages read by subscribers, incentivizing authors to create engaging and captivating content.

Unveiling the Best-Selling and Most Read Titles

Amazon employs a unique ranking system that showcases the popularity of books on its platform. The best-selling list comprises the books that have sold the most copies, while the most read list highlights the books that have garnered the highest level of engagement on Amazon devices. This distinction emphasizes the importance of reader interaction and reflects Amazon’s commitment to providing valuable insights to both authors and readers. By analyzing reader behavior, Amazon gains a competitive advantage in creating new content and tailoring recommendations to individual preferences.

The Role of E-books in Amazon’s Book Sales

The Significance of E-books in Revenue Generation

While e-books represent 21% of Amazon’s total book sales by revenue, their lower price point translates into a higher percentage in terms of the total number of books sold. E-books actually account for a substantial 36% of sales, showcasing the popularity of digital reading among consumers. This trend can be attributed to the availability of e-books at lower price points, with a significant number of titles priced at $1 in the Kindle store. The affordability and convenience of e-books have contributed to their widespread adoption, driving Amazon’s e-book sales.

Amazon’s Market Share in E-book Sales

Amazon’s dominance in e-book sales is unparalleled, with a market share of 68% before even considering the books published by Amazon and those within Kindle Unlimited. With these additional factors, it is estimated that Amazon may be responsible for up to 85% of all e-book sales. This significant market share solidifies Amazon’s position as the leading platform for digital reading and underscores its ability to shape the e-book landscape.

More Statistics


Amazon’s book sales statistics paint a vivid picture of the e-commerce giant’s dominance in the publishing industry. With a substantial market share, extensive revenue, and unparalleled control over distribution, Amazon has transformed the way books are bought and sold. The platform’s support for self-published authors, coupled with its subscription-based services like Kindle Unlimited, has empowered writers and provided readers with a vast selection of titles to explore.

As Amazon continues to shape the book market, both traditional publishers and independent authors must adapt to the changing landscape. By embracing technological advancements and leveraging the reach of platforms like Amazon, authors can connect with readers on a global scale, while readers can enjoy a diverse range of books at their fingertips. As we move forward, Amazon’s influence on the book industry will undoubtedly continue to evolve, leaving a lasting impact on the way we discover, consume, and enjoy literature.


  1. Words Rated. “Amazon Book Sales Statistics.”Link to Source
  2. Statista. “Share of Respondents Who Bought Books From Amazon.”Link to Source
  3. TechTarget. “Amazon’s Impact on Publishing Transforms the Book Industry.”Link to Source
  4. QuerySprout. “Amazon Book Sales Statistics.”Link to Source
  5. Businessdit. “Amazon Book Sale Statistics.”Link to Source
  6. Gatekeeper Press. “Book Publishing Industry Statistics.”Link to Source
  7. Zippia. “US Book Industry Statistics.”Link to Source
  8. ZipDo. “Amazon Book Sales.”Link to Source

About Author

I'm Shehraj Singh, I started the eReader.blog to help people learn more about eReader specifically Amazon Kindle, and help them fix any issues they may have.

I have a lot of experience with Kindle, and I want to share my knowledge with you so that you can make the most out of your device.

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